Case Study: American AgCredit

Case Study: American AgCredit
Case Study: American AgCredit

Pairing Under Floor Air Distribution (UFAD) with Indirect-Direct Evaporative Cooling (IDEC) for Energy Efficiency and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ).

When one of TEP’s clients tasked us with providing an energy efficient HVAC system for their new head-quarters that also provided flexibility to adapt to office remodels, we looked beyond traditional systems.  The solution was a system that would provide each occupant with workspace airflow control,  allow relocation of air outlets by local staff, deliver 100% outside air to the building, and provide more than 30% energy cost savings compared to a traditional office space.  Under Floor Air Distribution (UFAD) delivers supply air to each floor via adjustable diffusers located in a raised tile flooring system.  Each diffuser is individually adjustable for occupant comfort and easily relocatable for office modifications.  The Indirect-Direct Evaporative Cooling (IDEC) system provides 100% outdoor air (no recirculated air) to these plenums to provide superior indoor air quality (IAQ).  The IDEC system conditions this air with a combination of Heat Recovery Ventilation (HRV) and evaporative cooling which results in more than 30% energy cost savings versus a traditional building HVAC system with 15% outdoor air.  The pairing of UFAD and IDEC can be a powerful solution for large office buildings looking for improved energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and space flexibility.